The Circumnavigation Ride
The Sunday off started slow, late breakfast, checking in with wi-fi down the road, then prepping the cruiser bike for a 12:20 departure. I was told there was only one real hill and the rest was flat, well that was a car driver person that told me that, roads always feel different on a bike. The traffic was light or not at all, the dogs hanging out along the heavily Tahitian areas were too hot and tired to move more than a few inches from their spot, so the big dog-chasing rumor collapsed. As expected the wind always seemed to be coming into me, or from the side, guess I was going so slow with my one gear situation that when the wind was in my favor (rarely) it just felt calm as if there was no wind at all. The whole ride, with a few vista water stops and frequent camera shot stops, took five hours. On a nice road bike it would have been three, maybe less.

Nice hangout locale facing west on the early part of the ride.

Typical bridge construction with the shape of the island as one of the posts, these shapes are also placed every kilometer as milestones around the whole ring road.

Fisherman nets drying on a big tree, facing south at the bay where many Tahitians live.

The other side of the road in a lowland area. Large trees of many sorts cover the entire island.

After rounding most of the island I took a short cut through the hills between the two big bays. This area had some beautiful pineapple fields, large trees and even a pine forest. One the flat part of the valley was a wide plain with grazing cows and a river flowing by looking like something in New England in the middle of summer one hundred years ago.

Nice new solar hot water heater, commonly used.

End of the day, back on our northwest corner of the island.
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